
Advisor's Message

God Bless
Manoj Bal (School Advisor)

Dear Parents,

I hope you and your family are safe and healthy as you read this letter.

This session has many new and innovative things happening around. In a few month’s time the world of education has changed over-night, children are not in the school. The pandemic has brought in new challenges, teachers are innovating and finding new ways to support students from a far through distance and online learning.

Families are developing intimate understanding of all that goes into helping their children learn – the schools are developing and finding ways and means to make learning easier, practical and manageable. We at school are trying our best to create touch points to create human connect by various activities. We have been evolving and updating our online teaching facilities continuously with the main goal to provide continuous connect with our students and also to eliminate as much stress as feasibly possible for students, parents and teachers. I am sure that all of you must have faced variety of difficulties to make adjustments and changes. Our main focus has been to unlock our abilities to learn and grow especially during these challenging times and I am sure we all will come out stronger and more evolved.

We appreciate your patience and understanding to the drastic changes in our lives during the past few months. My appreciation for our students, teachers and other staff members for their flexibility and positivity during these trying times. It is amazing to see that with everyone’s cooperation, support and patience we have managed to face challenges and find amicable solutions and we continued our work with all sincerity to fulfill the educational and cultural needs of our students.

Our tiny tots have shown exemplary talent and enthusiasm to participate in all online activities. Our special thanks to their parents for having made these activities possible. Our teachers have done outstanding work in this year and have come out with new innovations and ideas to complete not only the educational curriculum but also the cultural and literary activities as per the almanac.

It is a difficult time, a time to evolve emotionally, spiritually and academically- importantly to stay strong and keep our spirits and morale high. Wishing you and your family all the best please stay safe and stay healthy.

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